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Historypin: Double House

October 28, 2015

Screenshot of Double House on the Albright-Knox Art Gallery's Historypin channel

This particular Double House was constructed circa 1865. It is an example of a traditional type of housing that was utilized by ordinary wage earners and was often assembled according to a standard design on the building site. This style is commonly referred to as Industrial Vernacular Style. 

Although double houses make up one third of the housing structures in the city, and an even greater percentage of housing units, the style of the double house did not originate in Buffalo. It was a common feature in architectural pattern books at the turn of the century. Double housing represented a step up from the inadequate and “tenement” housing opportunities offered to the working class.  Although this particular house is no longer standing, the Double House style of architecture can be seen all over various part of Buffalo and many residents still reside in examples of these. It is unclear when this particular house was torn down. 

For more historical information, visit the Albright-Knox’s channel on Historypin.