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Art Baby Stroller Tour

Sunday, September 8, 2019

10:30 am - 11 am EDT

Photograph by Tom Loonan

FREE with $5 Family Funday admission 
FREE for Members
Meet at the Guest Services Station 

Parents, guardians, and caregivers can often find it daunting to bring very young children into quiet spaces such as a museum; and yet, from the moment they are born, babies begin to take in the world around them, including the sights, sounds, smells, and feels. As early as in the first few months of a baby’s life, he or she is drawn to certain colors and contrasts and can follow the paths of objects.

This 30-minute tour—offered on the second Sunday of each month as part of $5 Family Funday—offers adults the opportunity to learn about works of art on view in the museum, while young children (ages 0–24 months) simultaneously engage with the works, absorbing the colors, shapes, and tonal contrasts. The tour will also provide ideas on how to further engage children with works of art. 


Space is limited to 15 children (ages 0–24 months) and pre-registration is required. Please register online or call 716.270.8292. One adult (parent, guardian, or caregiver) must accompany each child. Strollers and front baby carriers only are allowed. Walking children must remain in strollers during the museum tour. Due to space limitations, this tour is for the participant child and one adult. Children over 24 months are not allowed to accompany the tour.

Part of $5 Family Funday

On the second Sunday of each month, museum admission for the entire family costs just $5, and includes an array of programming for children and their families. Learn More